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2024年12月13日 星期五


  • CC-PAIH01 是一种模拟输入模块

  • 更新时间:2024-12-13
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    18030175270  /  0592-5085207

    吴工 女士

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产品标题:模拟量输入卡(支持HART协议)CC-PAIH01 Electronic module是一种模拟输入模块,通常用于工业自动化系统中

型号: CC-PAIH01



霍尼韦尔CC-TAIX01 5130863-175是一种模拟输入模块,以下是该产品的一般功能特性:

  • 产品型号:CC-TAIX01

  • 零件号:5130863-175


  1. 模拟输入通道:CC-TAIX01模块具有多个模拟输入通道,可用于接收来自传感器、仪表或其他模拟信号源的输入。每个通道都可以独立配置和监测。

  2. 输入类型:该模块支持多种输入类型,如电流输入、电压输入等。它可以适应不同的信号源,并提供相应的输入范围和精度。

  3. ***和稳定性:CC-TAIX01模块具有***的模拟输入测量能力,并具备良好的信号稳定性。这使得它能够准确地采集和测量模拟信号,并保持稳定的输出结果。

  4. 配置灵活性:该模块可以通过配置软件进行灵活的参数设置和通道配置。用户可以根据具体的应用需求,对通道进行启用、禁用、量程设置等配置。

  5. 高速采样率:CC-TAIX01模块具有较高的采样率,能够快速地采集和处理模拟输入信号。这使得它适用于需要高速数据采集和响应的应用场景。

  6. 故障检测和诊断:CC-TAIX01模块具有内置的故障检测和诊断功能。它可以监测输入通道的状态,并在出现故障或异常情况时提供相应的诊断信息。


Honeywell CC-TAIX01 5130863-175 is an analog input module, and the following are the general functional characteristics of the product:

Product model: CC-TAIX01

Part Number: 5130863-175

Product functional characteristics:

Analog input channels: The CC-TAIX01 module has multiple analog input channels that can be used to receive inputs from sensors, instruments, or other analog signal sources. Each channel can be independently configured and monitored.

Input Type: This module supports multiple input types, such as current input, voltage input, etc. It can adapt to different signal sources and provide corresponding input range and accuracy.

High precision and stability: The CC-TAIX01 module has high-precision analog input measurement capabilities and good signal stability. This enables it to accurately collect and measure analog signals, while maintaining stable output results.

Configuration flexibility: This module allows for flexible parameter settings and channel configuration through configuration software. Users can configure channels to enable, disable, and range settings based on specific application requirements.

High speed sampling rate: The CC-TAIX01 module has a high sampling rate and can quickly collect and process analog input signals. This makes it suitable for application scenarios that require high-speed data collection and response.

Fault detection and diagnosis: The CC-TAIX01 module has built-in fault detection and diagnosis functions. It can monitor the status of input channels and provide corresponding diagnostic information in case of faults or abnormal situations.



3BSE000460R1 PFBO161FC-DCOM-232/485FBM202 P0926EQ
PU515 3BSE013063R1FC-BKM-0001NCNI P0972PP 
HIEE320639R1 HI024049-313 LT 8978B V1F860-CA CP60 P0961FR
HIEE400109R1 HI022755-310 CS A465 AE01DC-TFB412 51307618-176FCM10E P0914YM
086369-001DC-TFB402  51307616-176P0972VA
3HNA013638-001 SMU-03DC-TCF901 51307593-176P0904AK
CS31 FPR3315101R1032CC-TDOB11 51308373-175FBM3A/33A P0500RU
3HAC14549-3CC-TCNT01 51308307-175 FBM4/39/44 P0500RY
TC530 3BUR000101R1CC-TCNT01 51308307-175FCP270 P0917YZ





  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 话: 0592-5085207
  • 机: 18030175270
  • 资质公示 厦门阿米控技术有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色