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2025年03月04日 星期二


  • SDO-0824 CC 数字化输出模块

  • 更新时间:2025-03-04
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    18030175270  /  0592-5085207

    吴工 女士

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产品标题:Digital Output Module SDO-0824 CC V1. 4数字化输出模块

型号: SDO-0824



网络接口模块允许VersaMax PLC在网络上作为主机或从机运行。目前可用的模块支持DeviceNet主或从通信以及Profibus-DP从通信。AS-i主通信也可用。IC200BEM002 IC200BEM103 IC200BEM10 4 IC200CHS006产品名称PLC网络通信Profibus DP(从设备)。需要IC200CHS006通信运营商。PLC网络通信DeviceNet(主设备)。需要IC200CHS006通信运营商。PLC网络通信AS-i(主)。需要IC200CHS006通信运营商。VersaMax I/O,本地通信运营商(支持IC200BEMxxx模块)生命周期状态活动活动活动不带中继器的站点数量32;***多125个中继器N/A N/A N/A I/O数据384字节;高达244字节的输入或244字节的输出高达128字节的输入和128字节的输出每个从机4个输入位和4个输出位N/A网络数据速率9.6 Kbaud到12 Mbaud 125 Kbaud、250 Kbaud和500 Kbaud 166.6Kbits/秒N/A网络拓扑线性总线,两端终止。短截线是可能的线性总线(干线/支线);同一网络电缆上的电源和信号树状结构N/A传输介质屏蔽、双绞线屏蔽、,双双绞线橡胶涂层两线电缆N/A连接器9针D子连接器5针开放式可插拔连接器盒型N/A节点数量N/A支持***多40个从设备支持***多31个从设备N/A用户诊断数据N/A每个从设备一个存在位显示数据N/A 5V输出时功耗460 mA,从+3.3 V输出5 mA从5 V输出490 mA,从+3.3伏输出2 mA从5伏输出350 mA N/A尺寸(宽x高x深)110毫米(4.3英寸)x 66.8毫米(2.63英寸)x 50毫米(1.956英寸,不包括托架或配合连接器的高度110毫米(4.3英寸)x 66.8毫米(2.63英寸)x 50毫米(1.956英寸


Network Interface Modules allow a VersaMax PLC to operate as a master or slave on a network. Modules currently available support DeviceNet master or slave communications and Profibus-DP slave communications. An AS-i master communications is also available. IC200BEM002 IC200BEM103 IC200BEM104 IC200CHS006 Product Name PLC Network Communications Profibus-DP (Slave). Requires IC200CHS006 Communications Carrier. PLC Network Communications DeviceNet (Master). Requires IC200CHS006 Communications Carrier. PLC Network Communications AS-i (Master). Requires IC200CHS006 Communications Carrier. VersaMax I/O, Local Communications Carrier (Supports IC200BEMxxx Modules) Lifecycle Status Active Active Active Active Number of Stations 32 without repeaters; up to 125 with repeaters N/A N/A N/A I/O Data 384 Bytes maximum; up to 244 bytes of inputs or 244 bytes of outputs Up to 128 bytes of inputs and 128 bytes of outputs 4 input bits and 4 output bits per slave N/A Network Data Rate 9.6 Kbaud to 12 Mbaud 125 Kbaud, 250 Kbaud, 500 Kbaud 166.6Kbits/second N/A Network Topology Linear bus, terminated at both ends. Stubs are possible Linear bus (trunkline/ dropline); power and signal on the same network cable Tree Structure N/A Transmission Media Shielded, twisted pair cable Shielded, dual twisted pair cable Rubber coated two wire cable N/A Connector 9-pin D-sub connector 5-pin open pluggable connector Box Style N/A Number of Nodes N/A Supports up to 40 slave devices Supports up to 31 slave devices N/A User Diagnostic Data N/A One presence bit per slave device Display data N/A Power Consumption 460 mA maximum from 5 V output, 5 mA from +3.3 V output 490 mA maximum from 5 V output, 2 mA from +3.3 V output 350 mA maximum from 5 V output N/A Dimensions (W x H x D) 110 mm (4.3 in) x 66.8 mm (2.63 in) x 50 mm (1.956 in), not including the height of the carrier or the mating connectors 110 mm (4.3 in) x 66.8 mm (2.63 in) x 50 mm (1.956 in), not including the height of the carrier or the mating connectors 110 mm (4.3 in) x 66.8 mm (2.63 in) x 50 mm (1.956 in), not including the height of the carrier or the mating connectors 66.8 mm (2.63 in) x 133.4 mm (5.25 in) x 70 mm (2.75 in), not including the height of DIN Rail



EMERSONVE4050S2K1C1 KJ4001X1-BE1 12P0818X072本特利TK81
EMERSONVE4050S2K1C1本特利TK-3E 177313-02-02
EMERSONVE4006P2 KJ3241X1-BA1 12P2506X062本特利TK-3E
EMERSONVE4005S2B2 KJ3221X1-BA1 12P2531X092本特利990-04-70-01-00
EMERSONVE4005S2B2  KJ3221X1-BA1本特利990-04-50-02-00
EMERSONVE4003S2B6本特利3500/93 135799-01
EMERSONVE4003S2B1 12P3270X022本特利3500/93 135785-01
EMERSONVE4002S1T2B5 KJ3204X1-BA1 12P3275X022本特利3500/93
EMERSONVE4002S1T2B4 KJ3202X1-BA1 12P2536X042AB3500/93
EMERSONVE4002S1T2B2 KJ3202X1-BA1 12P2536X032本特利3500/92 
EMERSONVE4002S1T1B2 KJ3001X1-BG1 12P0557X162本特利3500/92 136180-01 
EMERSONVE3006BENTLY NEVADA3500/92 136180-01
EMERSONVE3005 KJ2003X1-BA2本特利3500/92 136180-01





  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 话: 0592-5085207
  • 机: 18030175270
  • 资质公示 厦门阿米控技术有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色