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2025年02月15日 星期六


  • KJ4001X1-BA3 12P3378X022

  • 更新时间:2025-02-15
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    18030175270  /  0592-5085207

    吴工 女士

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产品标题:KJ4001X1-BA3 12P3378X022 VE3051C0 电源控制器

型号: KJ4001X1-BA3 12P3378X022




设备导入向导提供了一个对话框,用于从GSD文件中提取诊断数据,并将其映射到相关从属单元或I/O单元的HwStatus的DeviceSpecific和ExtendedStatus位。该对话框还支持基于诊断数据配置报警/事件。有关更多信息,请参阅GSD导入工具的在线帮助。DP Master Class 1(DPM1)和Class 2(DPM2)DP Master Class 1是与分配的从设备进行循环数据传输的主设备。为了进入循环通信,DPM1在之前配置从机。


The reaction of the system to a fault during the data transfer phase of the DPM1, for example a failure of a slave, is determined by the “Auto Clear Modus” defined via the BP flag configuration in the settings tab for CI854/CI854A. If this parameter is enabled, the DPM1 switches the outputs of all assigned slaves to a fail-safe state the moment a slave is no longer ready for user data transmission. The DPM1 subsequently switches to the clear state. If this parameter is disabled, the DPM1 retains in the operate state even in the event of a fault and the user can control the reaction of the system.

The Device Import Wizard provides a dialog to pick up the diagnostic data from the GSD-file and map it to the DeviceSpecific and ExtendedStatus bits of the HwStatus for the related slave unit or I/O-unit. The dialog also supports the configuration of alarms/events based on the diagnostic data. For more information please refer to the online help for the GSD Import Tool. DP Master Class 1 (DPM1) and Class 2 (DPM2) TheDP master class 1 is the master that is in cyclic data transmission with the assigned slaves. To get into the cyclic communication the DPM1 has to configure the slave before.



HONEYWELLMC-PAIH03 51304754-150AB2711PC-T10C4D1
HONEYWELLMC-PAOY22  80363969-150AB2711PC-T10C4D8
HONEYWELLMC-PDIY22 80363972-150 AB2711P-K15C4A8
HONEYWELLMC-PLAM02 51304362-150AB2711P-RC3
HONEYWELLMC-PRHM01  51404109-175AB2711P-RN10C
HONEYWELLMC-TAIH12 51304337-150AB2711P-RN15S
HONEYWELLMC-TAMR03 51309218-175AB2711P-RP2
HONEYWELLMC-TAMR04 51305907-175AB2711P-RP6





  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 话: 0592-5085207
  • 机: 18030175270
  • 资质公示 厦门阿米控技术有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色