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2025年03月14日 星期五


  • KJ4006X1-BP1大容量接线端子

  • 更新时间:2025-03-14
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    18030175270  /  0592-5085207

    吴工 女士

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产品标题:KJ4006X1-BP1  Deltal v 大容量接线端子

型号: KJ4006X1-BP1



PROFIBUS PA PROFIBU for Process Automation PROFIBUS International(PI)成立于1995年,是PROFIBU斯的国际伞式组织。通过现场总线连接到控制器的远程I/O输入/输出单元。用于PROFIBUS DP的RLM 01冗余链路模块。RLM 01将非冗余PROFIBUS从机连接到线路冗余PROFIBUS。RS-485是EIA(美国电子工业协会)的通信接口标准,工作电压在0V和+5V之间。RS-485比RS-232C具有更强的抗噪声能力,可处理远距离数据传输,并可驱动更多接收器

PROFIBUS DP-V1版本DP-V1包含面向过程自动化的增强功能,特别是用于智能现场设备的参数分配、操作、可视化和中断控制的非循环数据通信,与循环用户数据通信并行。这允许使用工程工具在线访问站点。此外,DP-V1定义了报警。不同类型警报的示例包括状态警报、更新警报和制造商特定警报。


PROFIBUS PA PROFIBUS for Process Automation PROFIBUS International (PI) The international umbrella organization for PROFIBUS founded in 1995. PROFIBUS User Organization e.V. (PNO) The PNO is the trade body of manufacturers and users for PROFIBUS founded in 1989. Redundancy The existence of more than one capability of an item (system, equipment or component) to perform its intended function. Remote I/O Input/Output units connected to a controller via a fieldbus. RLM 01 Redundancy Link Module for PROFIBUS DP. The RLM 01 connects a non redundant PROFIBUS slave to the line redundant PROFIBUS. RS-485 A communication interface standard from EIA (Electronics Industries Association, USA), operating on voltages between 0V and +5V. RS-485 is more noise resistant than RS-232C, handles data transmission over longer distances, and can drive more receivers

PROFIBUS DP-V1 Version DP-V1 contains enhancements geared towards process automation, in particular acyclic data communication for parameter assignment, operation, visualization and interrupt control of intelligent field devices, parallel to cyclic user data communication. This permits online access to stations using engineering tools. In addition, DP-V1 defines alarms. Examples for different types of alarms are status alarm, update alarm and a manufacturer-specific alarm.



IPMON01PR6423/013-030 CON0212713P-T7WD1
IPSYS01PR6423/014-121 CON031315116-A05
KSML92S1450-W-MC1 IEC60945PR6423/015-111 CON041320087-A06
LL02 LL 02PR6423/01R-111 CON031321131-A01
LZ01 LZ 01PR6423/01R-111 CON03151404127-250
LZ02 LZ 02PR6423/10R-010 CON0215370-CVIM
MA01 MA 01PR6424/000-030 CON0216155R-14S2KH
MA03 MA 03PR6424/000-040 CON0216181F-15TSXP
MA12 MA 12PR6424/000-121 CON0416181P-17TPXPH
MAG-XM 50XM2000PR6424/000-121 CON0416186M-15PT
MAI32MADPR6424/004-010 CON02174101-181-51





  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 话: 0592-5085207
  • 机: 18030175270
  • 资质公示 厦门阿米控技术有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色