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2025年03月14日 星期五


  • KJ4010X1-BF1 12P0831X072

  • 更新时间:2025-03-14
  • 联系方式

    18030175270  /  0592-5085207

    吴工 女士

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产品标题:KJ4010X1-BF1 12P0831X072 本地总线右扩展器

型号: KJ4010X1-BF1 12P0831X072



PROFIBUS PA:过程自动化的扩展此PROFIBU变体是为过程工业开发的。变送器和定位器的通信和电源通过一条双线电缆直接处理,并符合IEC标准61158-2(也称为MBP、MBP-LP)。1区/分区1内的本质(EEx i)(MBP-IS)装置是可能的。耦合组件(链接设备)用于将PA总线集成到PROFIBUS DP网络中。这确保了所有信息通过***PROFIBUS系统(DP和PA)在连续连接的网络中可用。

适用于系统800xA的所有用户手册和发行说明的完整列表见系统800xA-Released User Manuals and Release Notes(3BUA000263*)。每次更新文档或发布新文档时,系统800xA发布的用户手册和发布说明(3BUA000263*)都会更新。它是pdf格式,以以下方式提供:包含在随系统提供的文档介质中,并在作为主要或次要版本、Service Pack、Feature Pack或system Revision的一部分发布时发布给ABB SolutionsBank。在***个项目中列出的任何发布周期之间更新用户手册或发布说明时,发布给ABB SolutionsBank。


PROFIBUS PA: extension for process automation This PROFIBUS variant was developed for the process industry. Communication and power supply to Transmitter and Positioners are handled direct via one 2-line cable and correspond to IEC Standard 61158-2 (named also as MBP, MBP-LP). Intrinsic safety (EEx i) (MBP-IS) installations in Zone 1 / Div.1 are possible. Coupling components (Linking Devices) are used to integrate PA bus lines into the PROFIBUS DP network. This ensures that all information is available in a continuously connected network through the complete PROFIBUS system (DP and PA).

A complete list of all User Manuals and Release Notes applicable to System 800xA is provided in System 800xA Released User Manuals and Release Notes (3BUA000263*). System 800xA Released User Manuals and Release Notes (3BUA000263*) is updated each time a document is updated or a new document is released. It is in pdf format and is provided in the following ways:Included on the documentation media provided with the system and published to ABB SolutionsBank when released as part of a major or minor release, Service Pack, Feature Pack, or System Revision.Published to ABB SolutionsBank when a User Manual or Release Note is updated in between any of the release cycles listed in the first bullet.



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  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 话: 0592-5085207
  • 机: 18030175270
  • 资质公示 厦门阿米控技术有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色