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2025年03月14日 星期五


  • 51199929-100电源模件

  • 更新时间:2025-03-14
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    18030175270  /  0592-5085207

    吴工 女士

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产品标题:51199929-100 PWA SUPPLY MODULE 电源模件

型号: 51199929-100



远程I/O单元通过各种网络将VersaMax I/O模块连接到主机PLC或计算机。这使得VersaMax I/O可以很容易地包含在***PROFINET接口中,以及Genius、Profibus-DP、DeviceNet或其他以太网安装中。远程I/O单元及其模块共同构成一个I/O站,能够提供多达256个I/O点。IC200PNS001 IC200PNSO02 IC200DBI001 IC200EBI001产品名称带内置交换机的远程I/O PROFINET网络接口单元(Cooper介质)总线变送器扩展模块(光纤介质)带内置交换机远程I/O DeviceNet网络接口单元,2.2版A类IO设备PROFINET从机,版本2.2 A类IO设备DeviceNet从设备EGD和Modbus TCP服务器距离100米跌落长度10/100m波特2–2000(全双工)2–400(半双工)500Kbps 100米总线长度和分支总长度<39m 250Kbps 250米总线长度,分支总长度<78m 125Kbps 500米总线长度以及分支总长度<156m 100米坠落长度10/100m波特率I/O离散点2880字节输入数据的总1440字节1440字节输出数据的总2880字节输入数据的总数1440字节14.4字节输出数据包括离散数据和模拟数据。***多128字节的输入+2字节的状态字***多128字节输出+2字节的控制字。离散和模拟1024字节。%一: 2048点%Q:248点I/O模拟字2880字节总计1440字节输入数据1440字节输出数据2880字节合计1440字节的输入数据14400字节输出数据包括离散和模拟。***多128字节的输入+2字节的状态字***多128字节输出+2字节的控制字。离散和模拟1024字节。%AI:128通道%AQ:128通道


A Remote I/O Unit connects VersaMax I/O modules to a host PLC or computer via a variety of networks. This makes it easy to include VersaMax I/O in the innovative PROFINET interface, as well as Genius, Profibus-DP, DeviceNet, or other Ethernet installations. Together, the Remote I/O Unit and its modules form an I/O station capable of providing up to 256 points of I/O. IC200PNS001 IC200PNS002 IC200DBI001 IC200EBI001 Product Name Remote I/O PROFINET Network Interface Unit (Cooper Media) with built-in switch Bus Transmitter Expansion Module (Fiber Media) with built-in switch Remote I/O DeviceNet Network Interface Unit (Slave) Remote I/O Ethernet Network Interface Unit Lifecycle Status Active Active Active Active Protocol Supported PROFINET Slave, Version 2.2 Class A IO-Device PROFINET Slave, Version 2.2 Class A IO-Device DeviceNet Slave EGD and Modbus TCP Server Distance 100 Meters max drop length 10/100Mbaud 2 – 2,000 (Full-Duplex) 2 – 400 (Half-Duplex) 500Kbps 100m bus length and branches totaling <39m 250Kbps 250m bus length and branches totaling <78m 125Kbps 500m bus length and branches totaling <156m 100 Meters max drop length 10/100Mbaud I/O Discrete Points 2880 bytes total 1440 bytes of input data 1440 bytes of output data 2880 bytes total 1440 bytes of input data 1440 bytes of output data Includes both discrete and analog. Up to 128 bytes of inputs + 2-byte status word Up to 128 bytes of outputs + 2-byte control word. 1024 bytes maximum both discrete and analog. %I: 2048 points %Q: 2048 points I/O Analog Words 2880 bytes total 1440 bytes of input data 1440 bytes of output data 2880 bytes total 1440 bytes of input data 1440 bytes of output data Includes both discrete and analog. Up to 128 bytes of inputs + 2-byte status word Up to 128 bytes of outputs + 2-byte control word. 1024 bytes maximum both discrete and analog. %AI: 128 channels %AQ: 128 channels



BENTLY NEVADA330130-045-01-00HIMAF3221
BENTLY NEVADA330130-045-01-CNHIMAF3226
BENTLY NEVADA330130-045-02-00HIMAF3236
BENTLY NEVADA330130-045-02-05HIMAF3237
BENTLY NEVADA330130-045-03-05HIMAF3322
BENTLY NEVADA330130-070-00-00HIMAF3330
BENTLY NEVADA330130-070-00-CNHIMAF3349
BENTLY NEVADA330130-075-00-00HIMAF3417A
BENTLY NEVADA330130-075-00-CNHIMAF3421
BENTLY NEVADA330130-080-00-00HIMAF3423





  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 话: 0592-5085207
  • 机: 18030175270
  • 资质公示 厦门阿米控技术有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色