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2025年03月14日 星期五


  • 控制器内存支持51454475- 100

  • 更新时间:2025-03-14
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    18030175270  /  0592-5085207

    吴工 女士

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产品标题:控制器内存支持模块51454475- 100

型号: 51454475- 100



配置Genius网络时,应考虑以下指导原则1。Genius局域网限制为32台设备。请记住,Genius总线控制器保留一个地址,如果使用手持式配置器,它也会保留地址。2.如果应用程序需要冗余网络,则需要总线交换模块(IC660BSMxxx)。3.需要在每个网络的末端进行端接(IC660BLM50x)4。对于超过4500英尺的长距离,设备数量限制为16个。用于本地控制的控制器典型应用配置示例(需要(120)24 VDC输入和(80)继电器输出交流电源的示例应用)。系统还有五个远程机柜,每个机柜需要(64)个24 VDC输入、(21)个24 VDC5.5 Amp电源输出和(2)个电流输入和(2个)电流输出(24 VDC电源)。从控制柜到***一个远程机柜的距离为3500英尺。VersaPoint分布式I/O系统提供了紧凑的灵活性,允许用户安装每个应用程序所需的适当数量的I/O。遵守开放通信标准,包括以太网、ProfibusDP和DeviceNet?, VersaPoint可轻松连接到各种PLC、DCS和基于PC的控制系统。它是包装和材料处理应用以及监控和数据采集的理想选择。VersaPoint可容纳一系列密度从1点到16点的离散和模拟I/O模块。它还支持许多***模块,从RTD和热电偶输入到定位和计数器模块。


When configuring a Genius network the following guidelines should be considered 1. Genius LAN is limited to 32 devices. Remember that the Genius Bus Controller reserves one address and if a Hand-Held configurator is used, it also reserves an address. 2. If the application requires redundant networks, a Bus Switching Module is required (IC660BSMxxx). 3. Termination is required at the end of each network (IC660BLM50x) 4. For long distances, beyond 4,500 feet, the number of devices is limited to 16.Examples of Typical Application Configuration for Controller (Example application requiring (120) 24 VDC inputs and (80) Relay outputs AC power supply) for local control. System also has five remote cabinets, with each cabinet requiring (64) 24 VDC Inputs, (21) 24 VDC 0.5 Amp, Source Outputs and (2) current inputs and (2) current outputs (24 VDC power source). Maximum distance from control cabinet to the last remote cabinet is 3,500 feet.The VersaPoint Distributed I/O system provides compact flexibility and allows users to install just the right amount of I/O needed for each application. Adhering to open communications standards including Ethernet, ProfibusDP and DeviceNet?, VersaPoint connects easily to a wide variety of PLCs, DCSs and PC-based control systems. It is ideal for packaging and materials handling applications as well as for supervisory control and data acquisition. VersaPoint accommodates a series of discrete and analog I/O modules with densities from 1 to 16 points. It also supports a host of specialized modules, from RTD and Thermocouple inputs to positioning and counter modules.



3BSE000460R1 PFBO161FC-DCOM-232/485FBM202 P0926EQ
PU515 3BSE013063R1FC-BKM-0001NCNI P0972PP 
HIEE320639R1 HI024049-313 LT 8978B V1F860-CA CP60 P0961FR
HIEE400109R1 HI022755-310 CS A465 AE01DC-TFB412 51307618-176FCM10E P0914YM
086369-001DC-TFB402  51307616-176P0972VA
3HNA013638-001 SMU-03DC-TCF901 51307593-176P0904AK
CS31 FPR3315101R1032CC-TDOB11 51308373-175FBM3A/33A P0500RU
3HAC14549-3CC-TCNT01 51308307-175 FBM4/39/44 P0500RY
TC530 3BUR000101R1CC-TCNT01 51308307-175FCP270 P0917YZ





  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 话: 0592-5085207
  • 机: 18030175270
  • 资质公示 厦门阿米控技术有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色