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2025年03月15日 星期六


  • 8U-PAONA1模拟量出模块4-20mA

  • 更新时间:2025-03-15
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    18030175270  /  0592-5085207

    吴工 女士

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型号: 8U-PAONA1



Genius I/O高速计数器块是一个独立的、可配置的I/O模块,可直接处理高达200kHz的快速脉冲信号。高速计数器IC660BBD120产品名称Genius高速计数器块生命周期状态成熟网络支持Genius总线输入范围5 VDC至30 VDC计数***频滤波器选择200 kHz低频滤波器选择40 Hz输出范围4.75 VDC至5.25 VDC点数4 A类或2 B类或1 C类(12输入4输出)输入和输出响应时间-ON/OFF(毫秒)高频滤波器选择2.5mS***小低频滤波器选择12.5mS***小输入滤波器响应高(2.5mS)或低(12.5mS)频率输入阻抗4.0K欧姆精度0.50%读数+0.50%满量程负载电流每点200 mA工作电压93-132 VAC/10-30 VDC诊断输出:脉冲测试,故障开关尺寸(宽x高x深)8.83英寸(22.44厘米)x 3.50英寸(8.89厘米)x 3.94英寸(10.00厘米)Genius PowerTRAC块用于许多类型的电源监控和工业应用。PowerTRAC块监测电流和电压输入,并存储每个输入的数字化波形值。根据这些值,块计算RMS电压、电流、有功功率、无功功率、千瓦时和功率因数。该块大约每秒两次自动将计算出的数据发送到主机PLC或计算机。相同的数据可以显示在Genius手持式监视器上,可以本地显示,也可以从总线上的任何连接点显示。PowerTRAC块可与Y形或三角形配置的三相电力系统或单相电力系统一起使用。它接受一到三个电压互感器的电压输入,以及***多三个线路电流互感器的电流输入,外加一个中性点电流互感器。


The Genius I/O High-speed Counter block is a self-contained, configurable I/O module which provides direct processing of rapid pulse signals up to 200kHz. High Speed Counter IC660BBD120 Product Name Genius High Speed Counter Block Lifecycle Status Mature Network Support Genius Bus Input Range 5 VDC to 30 VDC Count Rate high-frequency filter selected 200 kHz maximum low-frequency filter selected 40 Hz maximum Output Range 4.75 VDC to 5.25 VDC Number of Points 4 Type A or 2 Type B or 1 Type C (12 inputs and 4 outputs) Input and Output Response Time - ON/OFF (msec.) high-frequency filter selected 2.5mS minimum low-frequency filter selected 12.5mS minimum Input Filter Response High (2.5mS) or low (12.5mS) frequency Input Impedance 4.0K ohms Accuracy 0.50% reading + 0.50% full scale Load Current Per Point 200 mA Operating Voltage 93-132 VAC / 10-30 VDC Diagnostics Outputs: Pulse Test, Failed Switch Dimensions (W x H x D) 8.83” (22.44cm) x 3.50” (8.89cm) x 3.94” (10.00cm) The Genius PowerTRAC block is used in many types of power monitoring and industrial applications. The PowerTRAC block monitors current and voltage inputs and stores digitized waveform values for each input. From these values, the block calculates RMS voltage, current, active power, reactive power, KWH, and power factor. The block automatically sends this calculated data to a host PLC or computer approximately twice per second. The same data can be displayed on a Genius Hand–held Monitor, either locally or from any connection point on the bus. A PowerTRAC block can be used with a wye– or delta–configured three–phase power system or with a single–phase power system. It accepts voltage inputs from one to three potential transformers, and current inputs from up to three line current transformers, plus a neutral current transformer.



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  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 话: 0592-5085207
  • 机: 18030175270
  • 资质公示 厦门阿米控技术有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色