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2025年03月19日 星期三


  • bently 3500/32 4通道继电器模块

  • 更新时间:2025-03-19
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    18030175270  /  0592-5085207

    吴工 女士

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● 基于霍尼韦尔的HMlWeb技术
● 支持中文界面
● 可视方案图,控制策略设计图的实时监视显示PlantCruise软件
● 监控软件提供高速缓存区的实时动态数据存取、趋势、报警/事件处理、管理、报表报告生成等功能
● 系组态环境PlantCruise组态工作室包括:
◎ 企业模型组态软件Simplified Enterprise ModeIBuilder,对企业中的资产按分级结构直观地描、显示
◎ 控制策略组态软件ControI BuiIder,为生成控制策略提供全套控制算法库
◎ 系统资源组态软件Quick Builder,用于创建系统硬件
◎ 用户画面组态软件HMIWeb Display BuiIde,用于创建基于HTML格式的操作员图形界面

● 强大的数据交换功能
● 多种其它应用(Uniformance PHD、eServer、EBM等)PlantCruise仿真控制器(SIM)
● 仿真PlantCruise系统
● 基于PC的仿真控制器环境,无须控制器硬件


bently 3500/32 4通道继电器模块:型号3500/32-01-00(前面板149986-02,后背板125720-01)



4 通道继电器模块是一个全高度的模块,它可提供四个继电器的输出量。任何数量的4 通道继电器模块,都可放置在框架接口模块右边的任一个槽位里。4 通道继电器模块的每个输出都可以独立编程,以执行所需要的表决逻辑。
每个应用在4 通道继电器模块上的继电器,都具有“报警驱动逻辑”。该报警驱动逻辑可用“与门”和“或门”逻辑编程,并可利用框架中的任何监测器通道或任何监测器通道的组合所提供的报警输入(警告或危险)。该报警驱动逻辑应用框架组态软件编程,可满足应用中的特殊需要

3500   4通道继电器模块
3500/32 -AXX-BXX 选项描述
A:  输出模块
0 1    4 通道继电器I/O 模块  
B:  批准机构选项 0 0    无   0 1    CSA/NRTL/C
125712-01   4 通道继电器模块备件
125720-01   4 通道继电器I/O 模块备件


@Common models 3500/32-01-00( 149986-02@125720-01 )3500/32-01-CN( 149986-02@125720-01CN )

The 3500 system comes with two types of relay modules. The first type is a 4-channel relay module. This module is suitable for the vast majority of monitoring applications. It utilizes a relay to drive the output of each channel. The 4-channel relay module is a full height module that can provide 4 relay outputs. Any number of 4-channel relay modules can be placed in any slot on the right side of the frame interface module. Each relay output can be programmed using AND and OR operators. The alarm driving logic of each relay channel can be applied to alarm inputs (warning and danger) from any monitor channel in the framework. Programming of alarm driven logic application framework configuration software. The three common types of alarm driven logic devices are busbar relays, dedicated relays, and independent relays. The busbar relay applies an alarm driven logic device to perform an OR operation on the warning or danger signals of all channels in the framework to drive a separate relay. The alarm driven logic unit for dedicated relay applications drives a relay by performing an "OR" operation on the warning or danger signals on channel pairs (channels 1 and 2 or 3 and 4) in the monitor. The alarm driven logic device for independent relay applications can drive an independent relay for each alarm state (warning or danger) from a channel. The following examples show the driving logic of these three types of logic devices.

The 4-channel relay module is a full height module that can provide the output of four relays. Any number of 4-channel relay modules can be placed in any slot on the right side of the frame interface module. Each output of the 4-channel relay module can be independently programmed to execute the required voting logic.

Each relay applied to a 4-channel relay module has an "alarm drive logic". The alarm drive logic can be programmed with "AND" and "OR" logic, and can use the alarm input (warning or danger) provided by any monitor channel or any combination of monitor channels in the frame. The alarm driven logic application framework configuration software programming can meet special needs in applications

3500 4-Channel Relay Module

3500/32- AXX-BXX Option Description

A: Output module

0 1 4-channel relay I/O module

B: Approval Authority Option 0 0 No 0 1 CSA/NRTL/C

spare part

Spare parts for 125712-01 4-channel relay module

Spare parts for 125720-01 4-channel relay I/O module

Common models



bently 3500/32 4通道继电器模块:型号3500/32-01-00(前面板149986-02,后背板125720-01)



3500/72M 活塞杆位置监测器

3500/77M 汽缸压力监测器

3500/63 气体监测器

3500/92 通讯网关

3500/93 LCD 显示装置

3500/94 VGA 显示装置

3500/95 系统综合 PC 显示装置 

3500/40M Proximitor? 监测器模块:通道类型-径向振动、轴向位移、偏心、差胀

3500/42M Proximitor? /位移/速度加速度监测器模块:通道类型-加速度、速度、轴振动

3500/45 位置监测器模块:通道类型-轴向位移、差胀、斜面差胀、壳胀、阀门位置


免责声明: AMIKON我们销售新产品和停产产品,渠道购买此类特色产品。阿米控不是本网站特色产品的授权分销商、经销商或代表。本网站上使用的所有产品名称/产品图片、商标、品牌和徽标均为其各自所有者的财产。带有这些名称,图片、商标、品牌和徽标的产品描述、描写或销售仅用于识别目的,并不表示与任何权利持有人有任何关联或授权。

BENTLY NEVADA330709-000-070-10-02-00FOXBOROP0916VB
BENTLY NEVADA330709-000-070-10-02-00 FOXBOROP0916VC
BENTLY NEVADA330709-000-130-10-02-00FOXBOROP0916VL
BENTLY NEVADA330709-050-120-10-02-00FOXBOROP0916VM 
BENTLY NEVADA330730-040-00-00 FOXBOROP0916WF 
BENTLY NEVADA330730-040-03-00FOXBOROP0916WG 





  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 话: 0592-5085207
  • 机: 18030175270
  • 资质公示 厦门阿米控技术有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色