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  • bently3500/22M带有TDI的框架

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    18030175270  /  0592-5085207

    吴工 女士

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bently3500/22M 带有TDI的框架接口模块 :型号3500/22-01-01-00(前面板288055-01,后背板146031-01)


3500/22M TDI模块和输入输出模块
1 框架接口输入/输出(I/O)模块
    对于3500监测系统,有效的两种框架接口I/O模块是RS-232/RS-422I/O 模块和调制解调器I/O模块。以下特性为两种I/O模块共有的。
3500瞬态数据接口(TDI)是3500监测系统和本特利内华达 System 1TM 机械管理软件之间的接口。TDI结合了3500/20框架接口模块(RIM)和通讯处理器,如TDXnet的功能。TDI运行在3500框架的RIM插槽中,与M系列监测器(3500/40M、3500/42M等)配合使用,连续采集稳态和瞬态波形数据,并通过以太网将数据传送到主计算机软件。TDI具有标准的静态数据采集,但是采用可选的通道使能磁盘,也可采集瞬态或动态数据。TDI与以前的通讯处理器相比,除了将通讯处理器的功能集成到3500框架以外,还有其它几方面的改进。
对于三重模块冗余(TMR)应用,3500系统要求TMR形式的TDI。除了所有标准TDI的功能,TMR TDI还具有“监测器通道比较功能”。通过选择监测器选项的安装功能,3500TMR组态执行监测表决功能。采用这种方式,TMR TDI连续比较三个冗余监测器的输出。如果TMR TDI检测出其中一个监测器的输出信息与其它两个监测器不相等(在组态的百分比之内),它就会向监测器发出错误指示
3500/22M TDI模块和输入/输出模块的选型如下:
0 1标准(标准监测应用)
0 2TMR(只用于要求三重模块冗余组态时)
0 1  10 Base -T/100 Base-TX以太网输入/输出模块  0 2  100 Base-FX(光纤)以太网输入/输出模块
0 0无     0 1CSA/NRTL/C
138607-01 标准瞬态数据接口模块
138607-02 TMR瞬态数据接口模块
146031-01 10/100 Base T输入/输出模块
146031-02 100 Base FX(光纤)输入/输出模块


3500/22M TDI Module and I/O Module

The Rack Interface Module is the basic interface for connecting to the 3500 rack. It supports Bently Nevada proprietary protocols as a configuration framework and collects machine information. The RIM must be installed in the first slot of the frame (next to the power module). RIM provides a connection that supports the current Bentley Nevada communication processor (external transient data interface TDIX and external dynamic data interface DDIX). Although RIM provides a specific common feature for the entire framework, it is not a crucial component of the monitoring pathway. The operation (or non operation) of RIM has no impact on the normal operation of the entire monitoring system.

RIM uses two types of I/O modules, namely framework interface I/O modules and data management I/O modules. These I/O modules allow you to connect the main computer and communication processor to the 3500 rack, and allow you to daisy chain connect the 3500 rack together.

This section describes how to use the connectors on the I/O module and lists the cables and cable pins used.

Only one frame interface I/O module can be installed at a time behind the RIM (disk mounted or rack mounted frame) or above the RIM (wall mounted frame). Additionally, a data management I/O module can be installed on the power device between the power input module and the frame interface I/O module (disk or rack mounted frame) or between the frame interface I/O module (wall mounted frame).

1 Framework interface input/output (I/O) module

For the 3500 monitoring system, the two effective framework interface I/O modules are the RS-232/RS-422 I/O module and the modem I/O module. The following characteristics are common to both I/O modules.

The frame interface I/O module must be installed behind the frame interface module (disk or rack mounted frame) or above the frame interface module (wall mounted frame).

The 3500 Transient Data Interface (TDI) is the interface between the 3500 monitoring system and Bently Nevada System 1TM mechanical management software. TDI combines the functions of the 3500/20 Rack Interface Module (RIM) and communication processors, such as TDXnet. TDI runs in the RIM slot of the 3500 rack and is used in conjunction with M-series monitors (3500/40M, 3500/42M, etc.) to continuously collect steady-state and transient waveform data, and transmit the data to the main computer software through Ethernet. TDI has standard static data collection, but optional channel enabled disks can also collect transient or dynamic data. Compared to previous communication processors, TDI has made several improvements in addition to integrating the functions of communication processors into the 3500 framework.

TDI provides universal functionality for all frameworks, but it is not a component of key monitoring channels and does not affect the correct and regular operation of the entire monitoring system. Each framework requires a TDI or RIM. TDI only occupies one slot in the frame and must be located in the first slot (adjacent to the power supply)

For Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) applications, the 3500 system requires TDI in the form of TMR. In addition to all standard TDI functions, TMR TDI also has a "monitor channel comparison function". By selecting the installation function of the monitor option, the 3500TMR configuration performs the monitoring voting function. In this way, TMR TDI continuously compares the outputs of three redundant monitors. If TMR TDI detects that the output information of one monitor is not equal to the other two monitors (within the configured percentage), it will issue an error indication to the monitor

The selection of 3500/22M TDI module and I/O module is as follows:


A: TDI module type

0 1 standard (standard monitoring application)

0 2TMR (only used when requiring redundant configuration of triple modules)

B: Type of input/output module

0 1 10 Base T/100 Base TX Ethernet I/O module 0 2 100 Base FX (fiber optic) Ethernet I/O module

C: Approval Authority Options

0 0 No 0 1CSA/NRTL/C

spare part

138607-01 Standard Transient Data Interface Module

138607-02 TMR Transient Data Interface Module

146031-01 10/100 Base T I/O Module

146031-02 100 Base FX (Fiber Optic) I/O Module

bently3500/22M 带有TDI的框架接口模块 :型号3500/22-01-01-00(前面板288055-01,后背板146031-01)

AMIKON是的工业 PLC、驱动器、PCB、HMI 等供应商。我们提供适用于应用的的自动化零件解决方案,我们的使命是以低成本、品质和极快的运输方式提供自动化硬件。


AMIKON的广泛库存包括 Reliance Electric、ABB, Alstom, Bently Nevada, Emerson, General Electric, Honeywell, Rolls Entronic, Siemens, Triconex, Westinghouse, and Woodward.和数百家其他制造商。如果您需要特定型号但在我们的网站上没有看到,请联系我们的销售代表,因为我们可能仍有可用的型号。


我们的技术人员专注于涡轮控制应用、AC/DC 驱动器、视觉系统和某些 PLC 平台。我们提供经过质量测试的产品,并且经过了我们广泛的 QA 流程。








3500/72M 活塞杆位置监测器

3500/77M 汽缸压力监测器

3500/63 气体监测器

3500/92 通讯网关

3500/93 LCD 显示装置

3500/94 VGA 显示装置

3500/95 系统综合 PC 显示装置 

3500/40M Proximitor? 监测器模块:通道类型-径向振动、轴向位移、偏心、差胀

3500/42M Proximitor? /位移/速度加速度监测器模块:通道类型-加速度、速度、轴振动

3500/45 位置监测器模块:通道类型-轴向位移、差胀、斜面差胀、壳胀、阀门位置



330854-080-25-001203-SM1LZ01 LZ 01
330104-00-12-10-02-001746-IB16/CLL02 LL 02
330104-00-16-05-02-001747-L532/EMA01 MA 01





  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 话: 0592-5085207
  • 机: 18030175270
  • 资质公示 厦门阿米控技术有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色