● 基于霍尼韦尔的HMlWeb技术
● 支持中文界面
● 可视方案图,控制策略设计图的实时监视显示PlantCruise软件
● 监控软件提供高速缓存区的实时动态数据存取、趋势、报警/事件处理、管理、报表报告生成等功能
● 系组态环境PlantCruise组态工作室包括:
◎ 企业模型组态软件Simplified Enterprise ModeIBuilder,对企业中的资产按分级结构直观地描、显示
◎ 控制策略组态软件ControI BuiIder,为生成控制策略提供全套控制算法库
◎ 系统资源组态软件Quick Builder,用于创建系统硬件
◎ 用户画面组态软件HMIWeb Display BuiIde,用于创建基于HTML格式的操作员图形界面
● 强大的数据交换功能
● 多种其它应用(Uniformance PHD、eServer、EBM等)PlantCruise仿真控制器(SIM)
● 仿真PlantCruise系统
● 基于PC的仿真控制器环境,无须控制器硬件
bently3500 系统提供连续、在线监测功能,适用于机械保护应用,并符 合美国石油协会 API670 标准对该类系统的要求。该系统高度模块化的设计包括:
必选项:框架 3500/05 ; 电源 3500/15;框架接口模块3500/22; 3500/01框架组态软件;振动监测器模块3500/42M或3500/40M/45M/50/53
可选项:键相器模块 3500/25;继电器模块 3500/32M或3500/33M;通讯网关模块3500/92
TSI键相器模块 3500/25-01-01-00
TSI继电器模块 3500/32-01-00;
TSI继电器16通道模块 3500/33-01-00;
TSI通讯网关 3500/92-02-01-00
TSI通讯网关模块 3500/92-04-01-00
本特利3500/42M 为每个通道提供独立的 4 到 20 mA 比例值。 3500/40M 不提供 4 到 20 mA 输出
特点 :1、数字和模拟通讯 ;2、高度灵活的显示选项;3、软件可组态 ;4、更高的集成度/ 容错能力 ;5报警/事件列表; 6、API 670 标准 ;7、所有的模块和电源(当使用冗余电源时)可以在带电 情况下在框架中插拔,8、进的数据类型
3500 系统用于连续监测应用于多种行业的旋转和往复机械,尤其适用于要求可靠性和可用性的自动停机机械保护应用中。可以应用本特利3500系统的机器类型包括但不限于:
燃气轮机、蒸汽轮机、压缩机 、涡轮膨胀机、电动机和发电机 、 励磁机 、齿轮箱、泵、风扇 、风机 、往复式压缩机、 挤压机和造球机。
径向振动、 轴向(侧向)位移 、差胀、 速度、 加速度、壳胀、 阀门位置、标准转速计、超速转速计、轴振动、 标准单斜面差胀 、 双斜面差胀 、零转速转速计等。
The bently3500 system provides continuous and online monitoring functions, suitable for mechanical protection applications, and fully meets the requirements of the American Petroleum Institute API670 standard for such systems. The highly modular design of the system includes:
Required option: Frame 3500/05; Power supply 3500/15; Framework interface module 3500/22; 3500/01 framework configuration software; Vibration monitor module 3500/42M or 3500/40M/45M/50/53
ptional: Keyphasor module 3500/25; Relay module 3500/32M or 3500/33M; Communication Gateway Module 3500/92
The commonly used models of the Bentley 3500TSI vibration monitoring and protection system for steam turbines are as follows:
TSI framework: 3500/05-01-01-00-00-01 or 3500/05-02-04-00-00-01
TSI power supply: 3500/15-05-05-00 (replaces 3500/15-02-02-00)
Framework interface module: 3500/22-01-01-00
Framework configuration software: 3500/01-01
TSI displacement module: 3500/40-01-00
TSI Vibration Module: 3500/42-01-00
TSI Differential Expansion Module: 3500/45-01-00
TSI speed monitoring module: 3500/50-01-00-01
TSI overspeed monitoring and protection module: 3500/53-03-00
TSI Keyphasor Module 3500/25-01-01-00
TSI relay module 3500/32-01-00;
TSI relay 16 channel module 3500/33-01-00;
TSI Communication Gateway 3500/92-02-01-00
TSI Communication Gateway Module 3500/92-04-01-00
The Bentley 3500/42M provides independent 4 to 20 mA proportional values for each channel. The 3500/40M does not provide 4 to 20 mA output
Features: 1. Digital and analog communication; 2. Highly flexible display options; 3. Software configurable; 4. Higher integration/fault tolerance; 5 Alarm/Event List; 6. API 670 standard; 7. All modules and power supplies (when using redundant power supplies) can be plugged and unplugged in the frame under live conditions, with data types of 8
The 3500 system is used for continuous monitoring of rotating and reciprocating machinery in various industries, especially suitable for automatic shutdown machinery protection applications that require high reliability and availability. The types of machines that can apply the Bentley 3500 system include but are not limited to:
Gas turbines, steam turbines, compressors, turboexpanders, electric motors and generators, exciters, gearboxes, pumps, fans, fans, reciprocating compressors, compressors
3500/72M 活塞杆位置监测器
3500/77M 汽缸压力监测器
3500/63 气体监测器
3500/92 通讯网关
3500/93 LCD 显示装置
3500/94 VGA 显示装置
3500/95 系统综合 PC 显示装置
3500/40M Proximitor? 监测器模块:通道类型-径向振动、轴向位移、偏心、差胀
3500/42M Proximitor? /位移/速度加速度监测器模块:通道类型-加速度、速度、轴振动
3500/45 位置监测器模块:通道类型-轴向位移、差胀、斜面差胀、壳胀、阀门位置
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ALLEN-BRADLEY | 1746-HSCE | EMERSON | KJ3002X1-BG2 12P1731X032 VE4003S5B1 |
ALLEN-BRADLEY | 1746-HSRV | EMERSON | KJ3002X1-BG2 12P1731X062 |
ALLEN-BRADLEY | 1746-HT | EMERSON | KJ3002X1-BG2 12P1731X082 VE4003S5B1 |
ALLEN-BRADLEY | 1746-IA16 | EMERSON | KJ3007X1-EA1 12P2413X032 |
ALLEN-BRADLEY | 1746-IA8 | EMERSON | KJ3101X1-BA1 12P1865X062 |
ALLEN-BRADLEY | 1746-IB32 | EMERSON | KJ3101X1-BA1 12P1865X062 VE4011B1 |
ALLEN-BRADLEY | 1746-IC16 | EMERSON | KJ3101X1-BB1 12P1866X072 VE3006 |
ALLEN-BRADLEY | 1746-IH16 | EMERSON | KJ3102X1-BA1 12P1863X082 VE4012S2B2 |
ALLEN-BRADLEY | 1746-IM8 | EMERSON | KJ3201X1-BA1 12P2535X042 VE4001S2T2B2 |
ALLEN-BRADLEY | 1746-IN16 | EMERSON | KJ3201X1-BA1 12P2535X052 |