仪器仪表导线 BENTLY 330730-040-00-05 延长电缆
仪器仪表导线 BENTLY 330730-040-00-05 延长电缆
Bentley Nevada 3300 XL 11mm 接近传感器系统旨在取代
7200 系列 11 毫米和 14 毫米换能器系统。从 7200 系列升级时
系统到 3300 XL 11 毫米系统,每个组件都更换为 3300 XL 11
毫米组件。此外,更新监控系统。如果使用 3500 监控
系统,列出 3300 XL 11 mm 的配置软件的更新版本
换能器系统作为兼容选项是必需的。现有的 3300 监控系统
本特利(Bently)2300/20双通道监测器对振动进行在线监测, 并发出振动高报警. 它有两个地震式振动测量输入通道, 可接收多种加速度传感器的输入;一个转速输入通道, 同于时间同步测量;其输出包括继电器接点输出, 4-20mA*输出, SPA*输出, 以及Modbus TCP输出. 利用GE本特利监测器组态软件(BNMC)可极其便利地对2300进行组态设置.
Bentley Nevada 3300 XL 11mm Proximity Sensor System is designed to replace
7200 series 11 mm and 14 mm transducer systems. When upgrading from the 7200 series
Each component of the system must be replaced with a 3300 XL 11 mm system
Millimeter components. In addition, the monitoring system must be updated. If using 3500 monitoring
System, listing updated versions of configuration software for 3300 XL 11 mm
The transducer system is required as a compatibility option. Existing 3300 monitoring system
Modifications may be necessary.
The Bently 2300/20 dual channel monitor monitors vibration online and emits a high vibration alarm It has two seismic vibration measurement input channels that can receive inputs from various acceleration sensors; A speed input channel for synchronous measurement of time; Its outputs include relay contact output, 4-20mA * output, SPA * output, and Modbus TCP output It is extremely convenient to configure the 2300 using the GE Bentley Monitor Configuration Software (BNMC)
GE | IC754VSI12CTD | EMERSON | KJ3222X1-BA1 12P2532X072 VE4003S2B1 |
GE | IC754CSL06MTD | EMERSON | KJ3221X1-BA1 12P2531X132 VE4035S2B1 |
GE | IC752SPL013 | EMERSON | KJ3221X1-BA1 12P2531X082 VE4005S2B1 |
GE | IC698PSA100 | EMERSON | KJ3204X1-BA1 12P3275X032 VE4002S1T2B5 |
GE | IC698CRE030-FH | EMERSON | KJ3204X1-BA1 12P3275X032 |
GE | IC698CRE030 | EMERSON | KJ3204X1-BA1 12P3275X022 VE4002S1T2B5 |
GE | IC698CPE030 | EMERSON | KJ3203X1-BA1 12P3270X032 VE4001S2T2B4 |
AB | IC698CPE030 | EMERSON | KJ3203X1-BA1 12P3270X022 VE4001S2T2B4 |