3500/25 改进的键相器模块是一个半高度,2 通道模块,用来为3500 框架中的监视器模块提供键相位信号。此模块接收来自电涡流传感器或电磁式传感器的输入信号,并转换此信号为数字键相位信号,该数字信号可指示何时转轴上的键相位标记通过键相位探头。每个键相模块有2个输入通道,3500 机械保护系统可安装2个键相器模块,接收4个键相位信号。
注: 键相位信号是来自旋转轴或齿轮的每转一次或每转多次的脉冲信号,提供的时间测量。允许3500 监测器模块和外部故障诊断设备用来测量诸如1X 幅值和相位等向量参数。
每个键相器模块可接收2 个来自涡流传感器或电磁传感器的信号。输入信号范围为-0.8V到-21.0V(非绝缘I/O 模块)和+5V到-11V(绝缘I/O 模块)。模块内可限幅,使信号不得超过此范围。无源电磁传感器要求轴转速大于200rpm(3.3Hz)。在框架前面板上,通过同轴接头,有2 个缓冲键相位输出信号。2 个缓冲键相位输出同样可在框架背面,通过欧式接头得到。前面板发光二极管 OK 指示灯: 可指示在键相器模块内检测到一个故障。
TX/RX 指示灯: 当键相器模块与框架接口模块(RIM)进行通讯时,发出指示。
1) 缓冲的传感器输出
2) I/O 模块,绝缘内部端子
3) I/O 模块,绝缘外部端子
4) I/O 模块,非绝缘内部端子
5) I/O 模块,非绝缘外部端子
6) 带栅的I/O 模块,内部端子
3500/25 Keyphasor Module
The 3500/25 improved keyphasor module is a half height, 2-channel module used to provide keyphasing signals to the monitor modules in the 3500 rack. This module receives input signals from eddy current sensors or electromagnetic sensors and converts this signal into a digital keyphase signal, which can indicate when the keyphase marker on the shaft passes through the keyphase probe. Each keyphasor module has 2 input channels, and the 3500 mechanical protection system can install 2 keyphasor modules to receive 4 keyphasor signals.
Note: The keyphase signal is a pulse signal from a rotating shaft or gear that measures the time provided by one or multiple revolutions per revolution. Allow the 3500 monitor module and external fault diagnosis equipment to measure vector parameters such as 1X amplitude and phase.
Each keyphasor module can receive 2 signals from eddy current sensors or electromagnetic sensors. The input signal range is -0.8V to -21.0V (non insulated I/O modules) and+5V to -11V (insulated I/O modules). The amplitude can be limited within the module to ensure that the signal does not exceed this range. Passive electromagnetic sensors require a shaft speed greater than 200rpm (3.3Hz). On the front panel of the frame, there are 2 buffered key phase output signals through coaxial connectors. Two buffered key phase outputs can also be obtained on the back of the frame through European connectors. Front panel LED OK indicator: can indicate that a fault has been detected within the Keyphasor module.
TX/RX indicator light: When the Keyphasor module communicates with the Rack Interface Module (RIM), an indication is issued.
1) Buffered sensor output
2) I/O module, insulated internal terminals
3) I/O module, insulated external terminals
4) I/O module, non insulated internal terminals
5) I/O module, non insulated external terminals
6) I/O module with barriers, internal terminals
C300过程控制器运行在经现场使用验证的、具有确定性特点的控制执行环境(CEE)核心软件上,为PlantCruise平台提供强大、可靠的控制功能。C300是将连续控制、逻辑控制、顺序控制和批量控制集于一身的紧凑、低成本的佳控制器,广泛适用于工业应用。控制功能由控制算法库提供,控制算法库由被称为功能块(FunctionBlocks)的大量运算模板所构成。的图形化的控制组态工具Control Builder使得控制策略的生成和组态极其方便。ControI Builder不仅用于组态控制策略,还可以将组态好的控制策略下装至控制器并进行在线监控和在线修改。
● 功能强大的控制处理器模件,调节和逻辑控制一体化,冗余配置或非冗余配置选择
● 50毫秒基本控制执行环境
● 集成专利算法Profit Loop,比传统PID算法,能有效提高系统稳定性30%以上设计新颖的8系列输入/输出子系统
● 简单地垂直接线方式,减少电缆路径及不必要的弯曲,提高接线效率,每点接线时间平均减少3分钟
● 模块采用“垂直倾斜式”设计,增强散热性能,易于接线,且节约30%以上的安装空间
● 支持Profibus DP通讯● 可选冗余配置● 可选HART通讯集成
● 可选防腐涂层
◆ Invensys Triconex
◆ Westinghouse(西屋)
◆ Rockwell Allen-Bradley (罗克韦尔)
◆ Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康)
◆ ABB 飞利浦 爱默生
◆ 本特利3500系列监测系统卡/前置器/传感器
◆ Motorola(摩托罗拉)
◆ Yaskawa(安川)
◆ Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐)
GE | IC693ACC310 | 本特利 | 330103-00-05-50-12-00 |
GE | IC693ACC307 | 本特利 | 330103-00-05-10-02-05 |
GE | IC693ACC302A | YOKOGAWA | AAI141-S00 S2 |
GE | IC693ACC302 | YOKOGAWA | AAI141-S00 S2 |
GE | IC693ACC301 | YOKOGAWA | AAI141-S00 S2 |
GE | IC690USB901 | YOKOGAWA | AAI143-H00 S1 |
GE | IC690ACC901 | YOKOGAWA | AAI143-H00 S1 |
GE | IC687BEM731 | YOKOGAWA | AAI143-S00 S1 |