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2025年03月28日 星期五


  • 本特利 3500/70M

  • 更新时间:2025-03-28
  • 联系方式

    18030175270  /  0592-5085207

    吴工 女士

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本特利 3500/70M

本特利 3500/70M


本特利990单通道轴振动变送器用于机器轴振动监测,如离心式空气压缩机、风机、小型水泵、电机等机组,将振动信号按照比例变送成4至20mA信号,提供给设备的控制系统PLC或DCS。本特利990振动变送器是双线回路供电的设备,可接受bently3300 XL NSv接近探头的输入信号及其匹配的延长电缆(有5米和7米的系统长度可供选择)。变送器可将信号调整为相应的振动峰值单位,并将此值按比例变成4 至 20mA 的工业标准输入信号提供给控制系统1, 以便机组的保护、报警和逻辑控制。

与3300 NSv 接近探头兼容,传感器可安装在下间隙、典型式的离心式空气压缩机狭小区域中。

输入:接受1个非接触式的3300 NSv接近探头和延长电缆。

电源:变送器终端需要 +12 至 +35 Vdc 的输入。

输出:规定的全量程范围内两线制的4 至 20 mAdc

准确性:在±1.5% 规定的全量程范围内

线性范围:0.5至1.75 mm (20 至 55 mil) 

灵敏度:7.87 mV/μm (200 mV/mil) ± 6.5%




04 0-4 mils pp (0-100 μm pp)

05 0-5 mils pp (0-125 μm pp)

0* 若订购大量程如0-200μm pp,请联系本公司


50 5.0 米 (16.4 英尺)

70 7.0 米 (23英尺)


01 35 mm DIN导轨压板

02 隔板固定螺钉

03 DIN 导轨压板和螺钉


00 不需要

01 CSA Division 2

05 CSA,ATEX包括ABS海事认证

CN 中国仪器仪表部门认证

本特利 3500/70M

将带状电缆的一端连接到适配器板后部连接器。这是SCXI-1344电缆的50针接头。5.将适配器板前连接器插入模块后信号连接器。适配器板的一角将进入机箱的上板导轨。6.将后面板拧到机箱后部的螺纹条上。本特利 3500/70M


The Bentley 990 single channel shaft vibration transmitter is used for monitoring machine shaft vibration, such as centrifugal air compressors, fans, small water pumps, motors, and other units. The vibration signal is proportionally transmitted into 4 to 20mA signals and provided to the control system PLC or DCS of the equipment. The Bently 990 vibration transmitter is a dual wire loop powered device that can accept input signals from the bently3300 XL NSv proximity probe and its matching extension cable (available in system lengths of 5 and 7 meters). The transmitter can adjust the signal to the corresponding vibration peak unit and proportionally convert this value into an industrial standard input signal of 4 to 20mA, providing it to control system 1 for unit protection, alarm, and logic control.

Compatible with the 3300 NSv proximity probe, the sensor can be installed in narrow areas of typical centrifugal air compressors with lower clearances.

Input: Accepts 1 non-contact 3300 NSv proximity probe and extension cable.

Power supply: The transmitter terminal requires an input of+12 to+35 Vdc.

Output: 4 to 20 mAdc in a two wire system within the specified full range

Accuracy: Within ± 1.5% of the specified full range range range

Linear range: 0.5 to 1.75 mm (20 to 55 mils)

Sensitivity: 7.87 mV/ μ m (200 mV/mil) ± 6.5%

Hazardous Area Certification: CSA/NRTL/C, ATEX

Ordering Information 990-AAXX-BXX-CXX-DXX

A: Full Scale Option

04 0-4 mils pp (0-100 μ m pp)

05 0-5 mils pp (0-125 μ m pp)

If you order a large quantity, such as 0-200 μ M pp, please contact our company

B: System length options

50 5.0 meters (16.4 feet)

70 7.0 meters (23 feet)

C: Fixed options

01 35 mm DIN rail pressure plate

02 Partition plate fixing screws

03 DIN rail pressure plate and screws

D: Explosion proof site agency certification options

00 No need

01 CSA Division 2

05 CSA, ATEX including ABS maritime certification

CN China Instrument and Meter Department Certification

本特利 3500/70MConnect one end of the ribbon cable to the adapter board rear connector. This is the 50-pin connector of the SCXI-1344 cable. 5. Plug the adapter board front connector to the module rear signal connector. A corner of the adapter board will enter the upper board guide of the chassis. 6. Screw the rear panel to the threaded strips in the rear of the chassis.



YOKOGAWAAAI141-S00 S2 EPROPR6426/000-121 CON031
YOKOGAWAAAI143-H00 S1EPROPR6423/013-020 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI143-H00 S1EPROPR6423/013-130 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI143-S00 S1EPROPR6423/013-130 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI143-S00 S1EPROPR6423/014-010 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI143-S03 S1EPROPR6423/015-030 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI143-S50 S1EPROPR6423/015-110 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI543-H00 S1 EPROPR6423/015-111 CON041
YOKOGAWAAAI543-H53 S1 EPROPR6423/018-010 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI543-S00 S1EPROPR6423/019-040 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI543-S00 S1EPROPR6423/000-010 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI543-S50 S1EPROPR6423/100-141 CON041





  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 话: 0592-5085207
  • 机: 18030175270
  • 资质公示 厦门阿米控技术有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色